Description: Non-Genuine Briggs & Stratton Quantum Carburettor Gasket Set
Replaces OEM: Briggs & Stratton 398183, 490937, 498261
Fits: Briggs & Stratton Quantum 3.5 hp, 4 hp, 4.5 hp, 5 hp, 5.5 hp, and 6 hp engines
fitted with Walbro carburettor’s including selected types and codes of 083412,
090702, 090707, 090708, 090782, 090787, 090788, 091702, 091707, 091708, 099772,
099776, 099777, 09K432, 100708, 110702, 110707, 110708, 110782, 110787, 110788,
110792, 111702, 111707, 111708, 111782, 111787, 111788, 112702, 112782, 114702,
114782, 114787, 114788, 120502, 120H02, 120H07, 120K02, 121702, 121707, 121782,
121787, 121802, 121807, 121882, 121887, 121H02, 121H82, 121K02, 121K12, 122H02,
122H07, 122H82, 122K02, 122K05, 122K07, 122K09, 122K12, 122K82, 122702, 122707,
122782, 122787, 122802, 122807, 123702, 123707, 123782, 123787, 123802, 123807,
123882, 123887, 123H02, 123H07, 123J02, 123J09, 123K02, 123K05, 123K07, 123K09,
123K12, 124702, 124707, 124782, 124787, 124802, 124807, 124882, 124887, 124H02,
124K02, 125H02, 125K07, 125H82, 125K02, 125K05, 125K07, 125702, 125782, 126702,
126782, 126787, 126802, 126807, 126882, 126K02, 127702, 127707, 127712, 127782,
127787, 127802, 127807, 127809, 127882, 127887, 127H02, 127H07, 128702, 128712,
128802, 128805, 128807, 128809, 128812, 128882, 128887, 128H02, 128H07, 129702,
129707, 129782, 129787, 129802, 129807, 129812, 129882, 129887, 129H02, 129H07,
12B802, 12C702, 12C802, 12C807, 12C882, 12D802, 12E702, 12E707, 12E782, 12E787,
12E802, 12E807, 12F702, 12F707, 12F782, 12F802, 12F805, 12F807, 12F809, 12F812,
12F882, 12F887, 12F889, 12G702, 12G782, 12G787, 12G802, 12G807, 12G812, 12G882,
12G887, 12H702, 12H707, 12H712, 12H802, 12H805, 12H807, 12H809, 12H812, 12H882,
12H887, 12J702, 12J707, 12J802, 12J807, 12J809, 12J882, 12J887, 12K702, 12L802,
12L882, 12L887, 12L902, 12M802, 12M807, 12M882, 12M887, 12M902, 12P802, 12Q802,
12S702, 12S707, 12S787, 12S802, 12S807, 12S882, 12S887, 12T702, 12T782, 12T802,
12T807, 12T882, 12T887, 12U802, 12V802, 12V807, 12V809, 12V882, 12W802, 12W807,
12X802, 12Y802, 12Z802, 130702, 131702, 131707, 131782, 133402, 133412, 133432,
133437, 133452, 133702, 133492, 134402, 135432, 135702 engine model series.
Standard Pack Quantity: 1
Brand: Briggs & Stratton - Non Genuine
Product Line: Carburettor gasket set, gasket set - carburettor,